In life “One is either a pilgrim or a tourist” said my enlightened friend, Lady Wedgwood. I am a person in longterm recovery (35 YEARS) from addiction, illusion and duality.
I began practising Transcendental Meditation aged 20, when a compassionate friend’s insightful understanding of my suffering and unhappiness gifted me the TM training.
My hesitation in adhering to the TM attendance protocols, a micro detox from vodka, valium and cocaine was easy to do when ones is young. That my brain was continuing to form was a few decades away from the scientific understandings of western medicine practitioners.
My upcoming book : “From Andy Warhol to the Ashram” homage to humanity. Intimate. Transformative encounters with luminaries Andy Warhol: self transcendent seva. First Lady Betty Ford: the philosophy, psychology, mythology and of recovery from obsessive, impulsive impasses, mindsets and behaviours. Marianne Williamson: conscious connection with God. Meher Baba, East & western Mandali progressive pilgrimages.
AWAKENING: Eastern & Western philosophies, mythology, and psychological awareness.Memorable pilgrimages. Many a deep bow at ancient sacred sites: India. Egypt. Australia. France. Italy. England. Scotland and America.
I met myself on the path of life. Archetypal journey. Heal the past in the present.
Bardo (in-between states of dying and rebirth) meditative moments of clarity as a result of a divine intervention.
My soul’s journey home.
Freedom from the bondage of self.
Addiction crushed my soul.
Recovery is a continuum of being in community.
#archetypal #psychology #individuation #persona #shadow #impermanence #interconnectedness #community #polarities